It is more and more common for students to receive an iPad as their personal Communication Device. The most common Communication apps are designed to provide a large vocabulary to non-verbal students. However, these apps are often challenging for kids who are Visually Impaired
Those of you who know me understand how passionate I am about children with Multiple AND Visual Disabilities. Here are my personal “Top 10 Tips” to guide in helping these special children grow and develop new skills for independence.
Many students who are blind or visually impaired with multiple disabilities (MDVI) use some kind of augmentative communication or symbol system. While symbol systems can be the foundation of communication and literacy, it is essential to develop a personalized system that takes into account the individual's level of visual and cognitive functioning. It is important for students who are MDVI to have a solid understandi
Kids with visual and multiple disabilities often struggle with writing. Let’s face it, these students often struggle with being effective communicators, much less with being effective writers! In the maze of challenges our students face, how can we as teachers work o
The iPad can be a great tool to help kids with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI). Specific apps can be used to encourage visual attention and visual motor skills, whereas other apps can be used to help develop visual motor integration and fine motor skills. There are so many apps that fall into this category - it is hard to keep up with all of them. Here are a few basic CVI related apps to get you started!
The iPad is an awesome tool for children with disabilities, including those with visual impairments as well as other multiple disabilities (MD/VI). Now you have an iPad – but how do you and your kiddos get started?