Writing Strategies

Below are strategies posts related to Writing.

Self-writing checklist for braille writers screenshot

Writing Self-Check for Braille Students

This strategy teaches braille students to check their writing to discover and correct their mistakes.
Student drawing a thank you note

Writing a Thank You Letter

Teaching students to write thank-you notes gives them a chance to practice braille or print skills, as well as developing social skills.
Textured bunny picture

Alternate Solution to Coloring for Children with Low Vision

Textured materials and collage offer an alternate way for students with low vision to participate in coloring or other art activities.
Brailled Shamrock reading "I'm lucky for Papi Pablo"

I am Lucky! St. Patrick's Day Craft

Hands-on St. Patrick's Day activity for braille students who are blind or who have low vision.
Student returning carriage on braille writer

Establishing Good Habits on the Braillewriter

Video demonstration of beginning braille students learning to move carriage and space down
A girl tries touching the peanut butter

Tactile Exploration of Food Textures

Exploring different food textures can be a fun way to expose students with visual impairments to a variety of tactile experience.
braille writer

Providing Wrist Support for Braille Writer

Tips to provide wrist support to a child using a braillewriter
girl writing on lined paper

Letting the Student Lead

Letting students who are dual media or braille learners take the lead in a lesson or project often helps them to be more motivated, while also making it more meaningful.
Tactile quilt with imaginary animals

Tactile Quilt with Fish and Birds

Students who are blind or visually impaired work on braille literacy, while also creating tactile quilt squares, in this interdisciplinary activity.
group posing for camera

Creating a Children's Book about Students with Visual Impairments

Two college students create a story about students with visual impairments.
girl holding police letter

Teaching Students with Visual Impairments About the Role of Police

Activities for students with visual impairments to learn about the role of the police
Student using braille writer

School Year Journal

Encourage your students who are blind or visually impaired to write using these school journal ideas
word family spinners

Word Family Spinners

Word family activity for beginning braille readers gives students practice recognizing patterns and developing fluency.
don't eat the cookies sign

Clay Fortune Cookies

This project combines literacy, art, and creativity for students who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities.
creatures braille design collage

Braille Designs: Creatures

Use braille to create these creatures with students who are visually impaired!
spiderman cover page

Spiderman-Themed Braille Book

This book was created by a preschool braille student, using tactile illustrations.
snow braille book collage

Braille Book About Snow

Create a tactile book about snow for children with visual impairments using this craft version of "snow"
car braille book title page

Car Braille Book

This car braille book was created by a preschool student and is a great example of emergent literacy for children with visual impairments.
image of girl's hands reading a braille page

Persuasive Writing and the Importance of Braille

Writing persuasive friendly letter to student losing sight about benefits of braille.
proofreaders marks

Making Proofreaders' Marks Accessible to Students with Visual Impairments

Tips on making proofreaders' marks accessible to those who are blind or visually impaired
