Strategies for Multiple Disabilities

Below are posts related to Multiple Disabilities strategies.

Set up for 5 Little Pumpkins activity

Five Little Pumpkins

Five Little Pumpkins is a Halloween-themed activity for young children with visual impairments, including those with multiple disabilities or additional special needs.
A young boy waves a small American flag

Max's Flag Routine: Sensory Learning Routine

Video of a sensory learning routine showing how a young child with multiple disabilities, including visual impairment, learns to reach, observe and imitate
Images of coins on iPad

Making Worksheets More Accessible to Students with CVI

Use an iPad to make worksheets more accessible to students with cortical visual impairment (CVI) and multiple disabilities.
Hot Chocolate activity with Tactile Connections symbols

Hot Chocolate: A Tactile Connections Experience Story

This experience story about hot chocolate uses tactile symbols from Tactile Connections Kit from APH to create stories by children with vision impairments and multiple disabilities.
Cover of Hearts book

Preschool Valentines Book for Children with CVI

This tactile book uses different textures on each red heart to create an accessible book for children with cortical visual impairment
Banana in a baggie with print and braille label

Tangible Valentine Cards

Activity ideas for making tangible valentines with children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with deafblindness or multiple disabilities
Interactive Wheels on the Bus

Interactive Wheels on the Bus

Interactive Wheels on the Bus is a great way to engage children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities through meaningful & active participation
The author with story bucket materials.

Story Bucket and Learning Activities Based on Otis the Tractor

This Story Bucket and learning activities for young children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities, is based on the book "Otis" by Loren Long.
Emoticons with different emotions

Emotion Meter: The Row Boat Ride

This story combines mantras, meditations and pretend story writing in a storytelling activity that helps students with visual impairment & autism spectrum disorder to understand their emotional levels
Cover of key book

Creating a Book that Motivates Children with Additional Disabilities: Keys

Creating a book that motivates children who are blind with additional disabilities includes using real objects that a child is interested in such as those that make sounds or have interesting textures
Creative Play area set up for Three Little Pigs

Experiencing the Story: Expanding Creative Play Centers

Setting up an experience area in the Creative Play center of preschool classrooms can help children who are blind or visually impaired or multiply disabled to develop a deeper understanding of stories
Hygiene bag

Tactile Symbols for Hygiene Bag

Make activities of daily living more fun with this song and routine!
Independent exercise sheet

Wellness Program for Youth Who Are Deafblind

Incorporate literacy skills into a wellness program for students with deafblindness or multiple disabilities.
A girl examines a bracelet on her wrist

Nature Walk

Nature walks can inspire students with visual impairments to write about what they find.
Textured items and bells in a metal bucket

Tactile Fun Bucket

Make your own tactile fun bucket for young children who are blind or visually impaired to develop tactile discrimination skills and basic concepts.
Cover of restaurant book

Restaurant Book with Tactile Symbols

Create your own book of tactile symbols to enable students with multiple disabilities to order their own food at a restaurant.
cards with photos of physical education activities

Choice Cards for Adaptive PE

Choice cards for adaptive PE allow students with multiple disabilities to make choices and control their environment.
A PVC easel painted black with red bead necklaces hanging down from it.

CVI Bead Bar

Learn how to create your own CVI Bead Bar using Mardi Gras beads for students with cortical visual impairment.
Tactile Christmas tree on classroom door

Tactile Holiday Decorations

Make your holiday decorations tactile and accessible to all children!
Carrot car

Vegetable Vehicles: Imaginative Writing

A speech language pathologist shares ideas about supporting creative writing with children with visual impairments and additional disabilities.
