Strategies for Multiple Disabilities

Below are posts related to Multiple Disabilities strategies.

Christmas wreath in tactile experience book

Christmas Tactile Experience Book

This example of a tactile experience book uses items associated with Christmas as a literacy experience for a girl with CVI and additional disabilities.
Cover of "What's Inside?" pumpkin book

Pumpkin Experience Book

Create your own pumpkin experience book with students with visual impairments, deafblindness or multiple disabilities
a baby owl on a dirt path

Owl Babies Story Box

Create a storybox about Owl Babies for children who are deafblind, blind or visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities.
Cover of The Beach

Providing Direct Experience to Develop Concepts

Children with visual impairments and other special needs need to develop an understanding of basic concepts in order to grasp meaning in books.
Index card with "help" in print and braille

Cards to Promote Independence

Promote independence with students with special needs, including those with visual impairments, using these index cards.
Red cup and yellow washcloth

Using Tangible Symbols at Home

Guidelines to use object symbols at home with children who are blind, deafblind or visually impaired with additional disabilities (VIMD)
CVI pegboard book

Getting Ready for School: CVI-Friendly Pegboard Book

Learn how to make a pegboard book for children with CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) following the model of Active Learning
Cover of Three Bright Red Pom Poms Lined Up in a Row

Three Bright Red Pom Poms Lined Up in a Row

Learn to create your own book for children with CVI (cortical visual impairment) in Phase 1
Page of book with red mylar gift bag on right

Where is the Red Gift Bag?

DIY book for children with CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) using a red mylar gift bag
Materials for modified version of Clifford's Family

Clifford's Family: Modified Version

Step-by-step instructions to modify Clifford's Family for Children with CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment)
Image of slinky on page of "My Favorite Things" book

My Favorite Things

Tips to create a CVI-friendly book about a child's favorite things
Page with 3 silver pie tins and one red puff

Three Silver Pie Tins and One Red Puff

Learn to make your own book for children with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) using pie tins and red pompoms
Page of Five Little Lights

Five Little Lights

Guidelines to create a book about lights for children with CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment)
Cover of One Yellow Slinky Bouncing Up and Down

One Yellow Slinky Bouncing Up and Down

Create a book for children with CVI focusing on movement
story box, tactile symbols, and picture symbols

"Growing a Rainbow": Accessible Ideas for Children with Multiple Disabilities

Preschool children with visual impairment can learn basic concepts hands-on activities, and the book can be made accessible through a story box, tactile symbols, picture symbols, and a talking book.
cover of look n cook microwave cookbook

Visual Recipes for Non-Readers

These visual recipes have pictures that a non-reader can use to follow in a cooking lesson.
Cover of Where Once There Was a Wood

"Where There Once Was a Wood": Accessible Ideas for Children with Multiple Disabilities

Tips to make picture books accessible to students with visual impairments and multiple disabilities
materials to make Flush more accessible to students who are blind or visually impaired

"Flush": Accessible Ideas for Students with Multiple Disabilities

Ideas to incorporate literacy and science ideas through the use of the book "Flush" and object symbols, a story box, picture symbols, and a talking book
picture symbols from the story

"If You Give a Mouse a Cookie": Accessible Ideas for Children with Multiple Disabilities

Ideas to make "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" accessible to children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities
plush toys that are part of the story box

"Pooh's Secret Garden": Accessible Ideas for Children with Multiple Disabilities

Ideas to make books accessible to students with visual impairments and multiple disabilities using a talking book, story box, tactile symbols and picture communication cards
