Emergent Literacy Strategies

Below are strategies posts related to Emergent Literacy.

Book Cover of Off to the Park with a picture of a path with a leg walking to the playground swing

Preparing for Dual Media in the Preschool Classroom

Using the book: Off to the Park to promote natural inclusion of dual-media literacy materials for out preschool students with visual impairments all while connecting to our outdoor environments.
ABC flashcard letters with child hands exploring

Teaching Print Letters

Lessons on teaching print letters with fun activities and ideas. When introducing letters, children with visual impairments need access and intentional learning opportunities.
The Snow Day book cover with a little boy outside in the snow looking down at his footprints

The Snowy Day Lesson for Pre-K Students

A lesson on snow, the letter "S", and a snowman sequencing craft, using the book "The Snowy Day" by Ezra Jack Keats.
Modified Candy Land pieces

Modificando el Juego “Candy Land” para Jugadores Ciegos o Sordociegos

Modificando el juego “Candy Land” para jugadores ciegos o sordociegos
A young boy examines a toothbrush

El Libro del Baño de José: Un Libro de Objetos para la Alfabetización Temprana

Un libro de objetos para la alfabetización temprana
Task boxes

Setting Up Task Boxes to Encourage Independence

Activities can be set up in individual plastic bins for children to do independently.
Cover of "My Color Book" with title and circles of various colors

My Color Book

This homemade book is designed to give children practice identifying colors, including matching colors, naming colors, and identifying pictured items.
Blue binder open with a page that says: my first tracking book

My First Tracking Book

As a first year preschool teacher one of my first questions was: how can I help my students with a visual impairment develop pre-braille skills? The simple answer, help them develop tracking skills.
Stuffed gruffalo with braillewriter in background

Interactive Read-Aloud and Story Box of The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson

Interactive read-alouds, combined with a story box, make books accessible for all students. Using the Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson is a fun way to combine learning and play.
Bath Time story with objects

Bath Time Discussion Box and Book

Discussion boxes are an early literacy activity for young children with visual impairments, deafblindness or multiple disabilities, where they collect real objects from a routine activity such as bath
Velcro around perimeter of paper with two square wooden blocks on the left side.

Positional Concept Game

This game is designed to reinforce positional concepts on the page, including left/right, top/bottom, and center.
Cover of Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons Book

Adaptation of "Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons" Book for students with CVI.
Colorful balls in muffin tin

Homemade Shape Sorter

This homemade shape sorter gives young children or children with multiple disabilities practice with basic concepts, such as size discrimination, while also developing fine motor skills.
Cover of bath book

Bath Book with Objects

This book is designed for young children to use with their bathtime routine. It's waterproof and is made to get wet!
Hand on paper with braille with purple ruler at top of paper

Braille Letter Search Sheets

These braille letter search sheets can be downloaded and embossed to give students practice identifying braille letters. This can be especially helpful with braille reversals and reinforcing skills.
Cover of Birthday Party experience book

Birthday Party Experience Book

Experience books are a great way to introduce young children who are blind or visually impaired, or those with multiple disabilities or deafblindness, to literacy and books, as in this Birthday Party.
Student examining braille flashcards

Concept Flashcards: Tactile Images and Braille Labels

These concept cards can be used to match the real object to the tactile image and braille label or to sort into categories with students who are blind or visually impaired.
Keegan Misses Daddy

Missing Daddy: An Experience Story About a Difficult Topic

Not all experience or social stories have to be about happy things! Sometimes telling those hard stories can help our children process through their feelings and can provide language to support them.
A young boy examines a toothbrush on the page of a book.

Joseph's Bath Book: An Object Book for Early Literacy

In the early stages of literacy, real objects can be attached to each page, so that children who are blind, visually impaired, deafblind or with multiple disabilities can explore each item.
Materials for Alphabet Soup and Braille Muffin actiivty

Alphabet Soup and Braille Muffins

This early literacy activity reinforces initial letter sounds in a fun and playful way for beginning braille readers.
