The Snowy Day Lesson for Pre-K Students
Submitted by Lisha Yochimowitz on Jan 16, 2022

The Snowy Day Lesson Plan
- Students will learn about snow, the letter "S" (braille and/or print) based on their independent needs met through adaptations, with the Pre-K standards as a guide for benchmarks
- Students will explore the book and materials that relate to our theme: Winter weather with The Snowy Day book (key learning area: language and literacy development)
- Students will identify letter "S" and introduced to its sound
- Students will learn to recognize the "S" (braille and/or print) and its sound with words that start with the letter (key learning area cognitive knowledge with language and letter identification)
- Students will be able to describe the weather outside, the winter season and its cold temperature, while exploring snow if available (PA standard in biological and social sciences 3, 4, 20, and 25)
- Book: The Snowy Day- PRINT
- Book: The Snowy Day- BRAILLE
- Braille machine and paper working the letter "S" and reading skills (PA standard 1.5-1.9)
- Pictures and props relating to the book- Cotton "snow balls", jacket, boots, gloves, and hat, enlarged textured pictures based on the book
- Textured flash cards with the letter "S" (Key learning area: cognitive thinking and general knowledge)
- talking letter "S" from Leapster (if available but not necessary)
- Snow or white sand for "S" tracing
- Snow man craft materials: white foam balls, small buttons or beads, fabric for hat and scarf
- If available, place snow in a water table with hand held shovels and small buckets for students to explor
iPad or Smart TV to read animated story
Differentiated instruction based on goals and needs of individual students:
- Introduce the lesson by reading the book and having props and enlarged textured pictures
- Pictures and props relating to the book- Cotton "snow balls", jacket, boots, gloves, and hat, enlarged textured pictures based on the book
- Allow students to have individual time to explore book both in print and braille
- Centers Time: braille and fine motor activities including learning how to make a "S" on the braille machine, a print "S" in the snow or sand, tracing the letter on the textured fashcard
- Craft: fine motor skills and sequencing skills for making snowman- we made snowman with white foam balls
- iPad or Smart TV to read animated story
- If snow is available, place snow in a water table with hand held shovels and small buckets for students to explore and create
Data will be collected on individual goals throughout with pre, mid, and post assessment will take place regarding group and individual learning with standards for Pre-K learning standards reviewed all while using differentiated instruction based on individual learner's strength and needs.Note: This lesson was done in Pennsylvania orignally so there are some PA standards in the lesson.
- Making a snowman craft can be done in lots of ways. The intent for this lesson is to practice sequencing by going through the steps of making one. One can use foam type paper on card stock or as pictured here, you can us a more 3D approach and use white, foam balls. Try to use as many textured/real items as possible like buttons.
- If snow is not available, you can "make" snow by using shaved ice to put in the water table for exploration