The Project INSPIRE (Increasing the STEM Potential of Individuals who Read Braille) team developed “Nemeth in a Box for Middle School Students” to provide a fun way for students to practice their Nemeth skills and build their math concepts. In...
Math Literacy

Free Online Courses through Project INSPIRE to Build Your Skills with Nemeth Code within UEB Context
Posted by Penny Rosenblum
“[I] basically did not know where to start with teaching this age group math. Now I have somewhere to start.” This teacher of students with visual impairments (TSVIs) is like many others when it comes to math instruction for our youngest students...

Posted by Cecilia Robinson
Assistive technology (AT) for math consists of items and devices that range from low- to high-tech. Low-tech items may include manipulatives, such as money, shapes and solids, or measuring devices. High-tech devices can include, but are not limited to,...

Posted by Robyn Jones
Your answer is either right or wrong, no “almost” about it. It’s the first thing I tell my students when we start working on the abacus. You get it right, do another problem. You get it wrong, start over. The one place in life where you get...

Posted by Liz Eagan
Cooking is a great way to incorporate all areas of the curriculum in a motivating, practical activity or series of activities. Literacy (recipes in large print, braille, or audio), math (showing the real-world application of counting, adding and...

Posted by Belinda Rudinger
There is NEVER enough time in the school day for everything I want to create and accomplish for my students with visual impairments, so having an assortment of low tech options and quick fixes is essential.
Making Notebooks with Reference Concepts and...

Posted by Linda Mamer
Many apps (applications) are available to promote early learning for young children who are blind or visually impaired, including those who are deafblind or who have multiple disabilities. This is a partial list (part one of two) to help you get...

Posted by Gwyn McCormack
Children who are blind or visually impaired, including those who have additional disabilities or deafblindness, benefit from lots of hands-on exploration of real objects from the natural environment. Exploration of various household items can help to...

Posted by ScarlettsEyes
I have previously mentioned in my blogs about my daughter’s disdain of handling and exploring items unless they vibrate or sing! Counting for Scarlett has never been a problem as many musical toys incorporate the number sequence, which she can...

Posted by Gwyn McCormack
Graphs and charts can be very challenging for students who are blind or visually impaired, whether they are using tactile graphs or large print graphs. Students with visual impairments must be specifically taught how to interpret tactile graphics and these...