Applying Purpose to Counting
Submitted by ScarlettsEyes on Jul 22, 2014

Well, building on Scarlett's love of the water and gross motor activities, I have created two new games in which she has started using counting in the correct way. Most importantly she is learning by doing something she loves!
First I have discovered that the bath is a great location for learning and encouraging increased levels of engagement. Scarlett's water baby nature means she is very open to any games or interaction I try to encourage in that environment. So how did I use the bath and its watery contents to get Scarlett to understand the concept of counting?

The water flute is something musical and fun for Scarlett to listen to. It uses different water levels to create a different key and the flute has always been something Scarlett has enjoyed. So I applied a verbal prompt to blow the flute... 1, then I blew the flute once, then 2, and I blew the flute twice, and so on. I completed the sequence up to 10 and Scarlett listened intently throughout. After completing the sequence a number of times Scarlett began to instigate the game by starting off the counting sequence herself. This was a great triumph, and a great way to keep her engaged! My most important note of progress was was that when using this game Scarlett began to say numbers out of sequence, so instead of just following the normal route of 1-10, she requested 5 flute blows. This showed that she wasn't just mimicing, but that she had really started to understand the meaning of different numbers.

The next challenge is for her generalise the skill when she is introduced to instructions in a variety of settings. "Scarlett will you please walk this way with mummy... Wish me luck!

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