How many different types of paper are our students asked to write on in school?
The worksheets look different, the lines look different, the pages are cluttered, and our students are trying their best but many times struggle to keep their writing within...

Posted by Ellen Cadigan Mazel
So often when people think about making accessible books for children with CVI, they enthusiastically share ideas about removing the background clutter and complexity. They set off to create an accessible book. The trouble is that they stop at removing...

Posted by Judy Endicott
“When you’ve met one child with CVI, you’ve met one child with CVI.”
-- Gordon Dutton
While the specifics mentioned below were developed to meet the needs of my grandson in conjunction with his CVI Range assessment (Roman...

Posted by Lisha Yochimowitz
As a TVI working with students with cortical visual impairment, I spend all day making CVI adaptations. While each student is unique, I have developed a tool box for CVI adaptations with some of the basic materials that are helpful for adapting materials for...

Posted by Beth Borysewicz
This presentation and step-by-step instruction was created to assist a Kindergarten team of teachers, as well as the student’s parent, as the child was beginning to learn his sight words. I created this to assist the team and show the process of...

Posted by Adam Wilton
An animated PowerPoint story is designed to enhance the literacy experience by using movement and color to make a simple story more engaging for children who benefit from and qualify for alternate format literacy materials. It takes some time and effort...

Posted by Amy Flores
The student with CVI (Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment) in Phase I (Roman-Lantzy, 2018) is building visual behavior. Remote learning takes place via two-dimensional (2-D) screens. Information is shared—visually and auditorily—...

Posted by Leslie Hagood
I created this pegboard book for a second grader with CVI that I worked with in Southern Oregon. He was in a wheelchair, had limited hand/arm strength, and showed difficulty with visually attending to objects, tracking, shift-of-gaze, and using a visually-...

Posted by Deborah Fenton
and Patrice Bucheli
We put together this PowerPoint for our students with CVI and it was used based on a student's CVI Range Score. The goal was to provide 2-D images and concepts that allowed us to work on a variety of lessons to discuss...

Posted by Chris Russell
Visually-guided reach (VGR) is a skill that we typically assess and often try to promote in our students, but what about students who have limited motor control and may not be able to extend their arms or control their reach at all? Many students with...

Posted by Chris Russell
What is Visual Complexity?
Difficulty with Visual Complexity is one of the 10 characteristics that impact the visual functioning of individuals with CVI. To learn more about each of the characteristics, see: Cortical Visual Impairment and the Evaluation...

Posted by Lisha Yochimowitz
The CVI Now website has a new IEP (Individualized Education Program) guide for families and team members. This guide breaks down the assessment, interventions, and accessibility rights process. CVI (Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment) is the leading cause of...

Posted by Sharon Elliott
We have successfully transitioned my son who is non-verbal and scored at a 2.5 on The CVI Range (Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy) at his initial assessment to a current score of 5++ by using whole objects in an object schedule system to using photographs of...

Posted by Chris Russell
This 8-page form is offered as a template and should be individualized, based on the results of the CVI Range Assessment and additional student needs. All highlighted areas should be replaced with your own information.
This form includes the following...

Posted by Adam Wilton
The lightbox is a tool to provide access to literacy materials for students with multiple disabilities, including those with cortical or cerebral visual impairments (CVI). In the past, the lightbox has typically been used to promote sensory efficiency,...

Posted by Derya Uyar
This week summer vacation ended and schools have started with distance education in Turkey. We continue online classes with our students.
I have 3 students this year. All of them are with MDVI (multiple disabilities and visual impairment). This year I...

Posted by Colleen Johnson
When the pandemic hit and school closed, I looked how to best serve my students with CVI (cortical visual impairment) through distance education. Many parents didn’t want to do coaching or direct lessons through Zoom meetings for various reasons that...

Posted by Sarah Flores
During social distancing, Zoom meetings can be a lifeline for students. They can also be very visually and auditorily complex. Here is a list of basic, broad recommendations I shared with teachers who are holding group Zoom meetings with students with...

Posted by Christine Roman-Lantzy
All images shared by Diane Sheline
While you are home…
I am writing this blog post during a time in which we are all self quarantined. It’s a strange and unsettling time. If you are spending more time indoors than you expected, and you are a...

Posted by Sarah Blackstone
This post is adapted with permission from the authors Aileen Arai, MA, Director of Education, The Bridge School and Sarah W. Blackstone, PhD, CCC-SLP, PI, CVI/AAC Project, The Bridge School, from a presentation at the Getting in Touch with Literacy conference...