Penny Rosenblum's blog

Project INSPIRE’s Nemeth in a Box for Middle School Students

Girl writing on Perkins braillerThe Project INSPIRE (Increasing the STEM Potential of Individuals who Read Braille) team developed “Nemeth in a Box for Middle School Students” to provide a fun way for students to practice their Nemeth skills and build their math concepts.

Free Online Courses through Project INSPIRE to Build Your Skills with Nemeth Code within UEB Context

Project INSPIRE logo“[I] basically did not know where to start with teaching this age group math. Now I have somewhere to start.” This teacher of students with visual impairments (TSVIs) is like many others when it comes to math instruction for our youngest students.  

One Connection at a Time: Working to Provide Educational Access Through Voluntarism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Like all of you, my inbox and social media feeds have been flooded with stories about COVID-19. In both my professional and personal life, I’ve seen the ripple effect of a tiny protein on the lives of children with visual impairments, their families, and adults with visual impairments. Besides social distancing and washing my hands, I want to “do” for others. In addition to being on the lookout for toilet paper for my 85-year-old mother and some friends with complex health needs, I have looked for other ways I can help.

Presenting Yourself Positively

A teenaged girl puts on her make upThe expression “put your best foot forward” takes on new meaning when one has a visual impairment.  In our society people are quick to judge you by how you look and present yourself.  It is important that a person who is visually impaired recognize this and plan for it by “putting their best foot forward” in making a positive impression on others.  Making a positive impression is more than just dressing well or g

It’s Much More Than a Contest…. My Observations from Attending the National Braille Challenge

As I stood chatting with Layla Hildenbrand, an 8-year-old Apprentice contestant from North Carolina wearing a beautiful pink dress, I heard two Freshman competitors harmonizing, a family talking about how impressive the University of Southern California was, and a father and son talking about getting to do a “guy trip”. We were all waiting for the shuttle bus to take us to the closing ceremony of the 2018 National Braille Challenge.

“Yes, Boys and Girls. There are Reasons Adults Use Perkins Braillers.”

The title for this post comes from an experience I had recently.  As many of us do, I posted about that experience on Facebook.  My language was casual as this posting was intended for my “friends” (Okay, many of my friends are also in the profession of visual impairment, are visually impaired, and/or are parents of children with visual impairments.)

Penny's Facebook post

Here is the text of my post:

Games are Fun AND They Help Children Learn!

Goose board game with diceThink back on your own childhood and time with family and friends and you’re likely to remember a game you enjoyed playing whether it was a board game, word game, or sporting activity.  Games can help your child develop skills such as:

Dots for Families Braille Lessons

A young girl uses a braillewriter.Editor's Note:  Please note that these free lessons are offered as an introduction to the braille code and are not intended to be complete. These lessons are designed to give families and other individuals who are sighted an understanding of braille, but not proficiency.


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