Lisha Yochimowitz's blog

Paths to Literacy has Articles in Spanish and French

Did you know that Paths to Literacy has articles in Spanish and French? We are lucky enough to have professionals in our community that are bi-lingual and can provide some of our articles in other languages as we try to meet the needs of our viewers with as many adaptations as possible.

Articles in both Spanish and English can help families access information in their native language.

Are you bilingual and a professional in the vision field? We would love to have your ideas and lessons in other languages! 

Paths to Literacy Has a New Manager!

Saying Goodbye and Introducing…

Charlotte Cushman has been the Paths to Literacy manager and co-creator since its inception in 2010 when her team, from Perkins School for the Blind and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, had a strong desire to provide a web-based approach to gathering and distributing valuable information to our vision community. It is a place for people to share ideas and new information by advocating best practice for literacy skills, materials, and strategies for the visually impaired.

CVI Adaptations Tool Box

As a TVI working with students with cortical visual impairment, I spend all day making CVI adaptations. While each student is unique, I have developed a tool box for CVI adaptations with some of the basic materials that are helpful for adapting materials for all phases of CVI.  It's great to put this together at the start of the new school year!

CVI Adaptation Toolbox

CVI Now has a New IEP Guide

The CVI Now website has a new IEP (Individualized Education Program) guide for families and team members. This guide breaks down the assessment, interventions, and accessibility rights process. CVI (Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment) is the leading cause of childhood blindness. Every individual with CVI has a right to comprehensive assessment, effective interventions, and accessible educational programs.


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