
Below are strategies for all content areas.

Halloween craft with spiderweb

Fall Holiday Craft: Autumn Leaves, Pumpkin, Spiders

By Liz Eagan
This fall holiday craft for students who are blind or visually impaired includes extension activities related to literacy, language, science, and technology.
Anticipation board for child with CVI

Sequence Board for Child with CVI

By rachel_g_bennett
The mother of a child with cortical visual impairment (CVI) created this anticipation calendar for her son.
Circle page of book

Enlisting the Help of Older Students to Make Books for Prebraille Readers

By Liamsmom
Older students can practice their braille literacy skills while also enjoying the feeling of helping others when making books for pre-braille readers.
APH graphing board

Teaching Graphing Transformations

By Tracy Fitch
Strategies to teach graphing transformations to students who are blind or visually impaired using a graphing board and push pins to make the graphs accessible
Interactive Wheels on the Bus

Interactive Wheels on the Bus

By Karen Epley
Interactive Wheels on the Bus is a great way to engage children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities through meaningful & active participation
The author with story bucket materials.

Story Bucket and Learning Activities Based on Otis the Tractor

By Gwyn McCormack
This Story Bucket and learning activities for young children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities, is based on the book "Otis" by Loren Long.
g-raff backpack

Making Literacy Meaningful for Kids with CVI

By Brenda Biernat
The mother of a young child with CVI shares tips on making literacy meaningful for children with cortical visual impairment.
Emoticons with different emotions

Emotion Meter: The Row Boat Ride

By Linda Hagood
This story combines mantras, meditations and pretend story writing in a storytelling activity that helps students with visual impairment & autism spectrum disorder to understand their emotional levels
An adult using a braillewriter

Activity Ideas for Adults With Progressive Vision Loss Who Are Learning Braille

By Jennifer Burrows
Activity ideas from a teacher who runs a group for adults who have deteriorating vision and want to learn braille
Tactile incentive chart with golf tee

Tactile Incentive Chart

By Liamsmom
All children need to feel motivated, but often incentive charts are not accessible to those who are blind, low vision or deafblind. Make an accessible tactile chart for kids who are visually impaired!
Braille bilingual flash cards

Bilingual Braille Flash Cards

By Anna C. Gayle
These bilingual braille flash cards enabled a parent who does not speak English to review the braille code with her 5-year-old daughter who is blind.
Cover of key book

Creating a Book that Motivates Children with Additional Disabilities: Keys

By Liamsmom
Creating a book that motivates children who are blind with additional disabilities includes using real objects that a child is interested in such as those that make sounds or have interesting textures
Independence Day craft

Independence Day Craft Activity

By Liz Eagan
This Independence Day craft activity for the 4th of July for students who are blind or visually impaired teaches students about eagles, while practicing fine more skills and creating tactile graphics.
Tactile mosaic flag

Tactile Mosaic Flags for the 4th of July

By Liz Eagan
Tactile mosaic flags are a fun crafts project for the 4th of July for kids who are blind or visually impaired. Students can work on skills such as literacy, counting, matching, sorting, and patterns.
Side by side examples of no backlighting and backlighting

Backlighting AAC for Students with CVI

By Ellen Cadigan Mazel
Students with CVI (cortical visual impairment) may benefit from backlighting of AAC (Augmentative Alternative Communication) systems, as it can help them to facilitate visual attention.
Braille design of flying bird

Braille Design of a Bird

By Edith West
This braille drawing is a fun way to practice tactile discrimination skills, while promoting braille literacy.

Honoring the Summer Solstice: 10 Activity Ideas for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

By Charlotte Cushman
Fun hands-on learning activities for the summer solstice for children who are blind or visually impaired
3D shapes with braille labels

Developing Tactile Skills in Children with Vision Impairment

By John Chester
Tips on developing tactile skills in children who are blind or visually impaired using tactile graphs, tactile drawings, 3D shapes, and braille labels
Creative Play area set up for Three Little Pigs

Experiencing the Story: Expanding Creative Play Centers

By Liz Eagan
Setting up an experience area in the Creative Play center of preschool classrooms can help children who are blind or visually impaired or multiply disabled to develop a deeper understanding of stories
Accessible chess board with pieces

Making Chess Accessible To My Son Who Is Deafblind

By Liamsmom
My son, who is deafblind, is learning to play the game of chess using an accessible board. It's a fun way to practice braille literacy skills for kids who are blind or visually impaired.
