You Can Count On It!

These activities use materials from APH (American Printing House for the Blind) to extend literacy lessons for students who are blind or visually impaired.
Students will:
  1. Demonstrate reading skills and read out loud the appropriate level story card.
  2. Demonstrate comprehension of the story by telling or summarizing the story out loud with the use of the lite box and associated story demonstration materials. 
  3. Show wayfinding skills by plotting the route from the neighborhood to the park and pond and back to the neighborhood using Tactile Town.
  4. Comprehend concepts such as: writing a check, depositing and cashing a check, and using an ATM machine with a debit card while using Money Talks Software, the Signature Guide, and Money Handling and Budgeting book.
  5. Understand basic money concepts from recall with or without a Talking Calculator.
  6. Understand how to organize and transition papers and folders using the Transition Tote System
  7. Practice number and place value using the abacus and items from Focus in Mathematics Kit.
  • Lite Box
  • Tactile Town
  • Money Talks Software
  • Signature Guide
  • Money Handling and Budgeting book
  • Talking Calculator
  • Transition Tote System
  • Focus in Mathematics Kit
  • Braille Notebook
Activities: Days 1-6
  1. Read “You Can Count on It!”  Have the student echo read each line after listening to the teacher read.  
  2. Students will summarize “You Can Count on It!” using silhouette figures of characters and objects from story.
  3. Students will route Joel and Matt’s adventure using Tactile Town.
  4. Using the Transition Tote system, teens will read over “Do’s and Don’ts” of social behavior in the work place, understand employers concerns and develop steps toward vocational goals.
  5. Practice signatures using the Signature Guide.
  6. Demonstrate and review how to write checks using Money Handling and Budgeting book.
  7. Students will describe how to open up a bank account, make deposits, withdrawals and check balances.  
  8. Research the cost of living: apartments, houses, water, gas, car payments, insurance, food, doctor bills, and cell phone bills.
  9. Practice using an ATM machine while practicing the Braille.
  10. Make a grocery list using the Braille notebook. Estimate the cost of different foods, drinks and items.
  11. Role-play steps for opening a bank account, talking to a bank teller while the advocating for himself.
  12. Practice folding bills while setting up a wallet labeled with large print or braille. 
You Can Count On It! Snippet
you can count on it collage



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