Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish

assorted dinosaur toys

There are so many skills that can be taught through a single activity or set of materials.  Here are some ideas on using dinosaurs and environmental awareness in cross-curricular instruction for students who are blind or visually impaired. Ideas are included for incorporating literacy, numeracy, science, design technology, geography, and history.


  • Imagine that you went in a journey in a rocket. Where would you go? Could you write a story about it?
  • Can you rewrite the story from the man's point of view?
  • Imagine a world that is full of rubbish and pollution. Can you think of words / phrases to describe it?
  • Write a poem using each letter of one of the dinosaurs.
assorted toy insects


  • Count the number of insects / dinosaurs that are in the book.

Sciencerubbish, rocket, bottle, bowler cap

  • Lots of plants and trees grow throughout the story. Find out what plants need to grow healthily.
  • Can you write some instructions to teach someone how to care for a plant?
  • Research the topic of dinosaurs. What different types if dinosaurs were there? How were they similar / different?
model rocket

Design Technology

  • Design a model rocket to help the man reach the stars.


  • Find out about different types of pollution and how they affect the environment.
  • Make a list of things that people can do to help the environment.
  • Find out what happens to waste that isn't recycled.
  • The dinosaur explains that the earth belongs to everyone. Could you use this message on a poster / banner?
toy alisaurus


  • Make a timeline showing when dinosaurs and humans have been alive.


  • At the start of the story, the man dreams about the star. What are your hopes and dreams?
  • The dinosaur says that the man should have been rules by his heart and not his head. What does this mean?
dinosaurs collage