iZiggi Document Camera

This video demonstration of the iZiggi Document Camera by TVI Ting Siu shows how the camera can be used to view and zoom a document on an iPad (iOS 8) . The iZiggi is a WIRELESS document camera that works with the iPad, Android Tablet, PC and Mac. Place a printed document beside the camera and view/zoom the document on the iPad or swivel the camera to view distant materials on the board. Students can draw and annotate on the live image using the iPad's touchscreen and the free IPEVO app. The iZiggi document camera is very portable and economical.
Note: While VoiceOver does not read a video feed, the IPEVO whiteboard app that the camera works with is fully accessible by VO! All buttons are now labeled to help with navigation. This benefits both low vision users and also TVIs who might be blind.
Thanks for the video-- I plan
Thanks for the video-- I plan to use this to show to IEP teams, rather than just telling about the Ziggi camera, as one accessibility option.