Using a Light-Up Tracing Pad to Create Tactile Graphics

Light-Up Tracing Pad Packaging

While I love APH's Lightbox Mini to help me make a worksheet or color page tactile, the Light-Up Tracing Pad is another option that I really like. As I need to be highly mobile, this tracing pad is lightweight and smaller. This will make those bags I carry in and out of campuses (and my home) so much lighter!




light up pad screen with a santa drawn on it


In case you've never made an image tactile, you place the image upside down on the lightbox or this tracing pad. Then, using a pencil, lightly trace the image...omitting items that might make the image too cluttered to read tactually. Once finished, use APH's Tactile Graphics Kit to manually make the image tactile.






light-up tracing pad


