Student-Made IEP Book
Submitted by Liz Eagan on Jan 15, 2014

I try to get my students as involved as possible in the IEP process as early as I can. One of my students, who is in the 3rd grade, created a book about the IEP process. She became extremely well-informed and has already begun to develop strong advocacy and self-determination skills.
- paper
- pencil
- crayons and/or colored pencils
- binding for book
- Discuss with the student what an IEP is and what happens at the meeting. Talk to them about what they think they should be working on and what is important to learn. Discuss who works with them and what their different roles are.
- Create a page for each step of the process. Have the student do as much of the writing as possible and illustrate each page.
- Assemble the pages of the book in a loose-leaf notebook, with spiral binding, or just stapled.
- Share the book with classmates, other teachers, and family.
- Invite the student to participate in the IEP meeting.
Click on the images below to see the full size.
This is a great idea!
Thank you!