Tactile Eclipse Board

Kudos to my daughter, Samantha Bamber, for the awesome tactile eclipse board in my Braille room at school!
Board displays painted foam disks of various sizes representing the sun, moon, and earth. Leather cording shows the criss-cross path of the sun and the shadow of the moon on the earth. For fun, she added a space shuttle eraser orbiting the earth.
Below are 5 tactile suns and moons showing the stages of the eclipse with a total eclipse in the center.
The header reads "Total Eclipse of the Heart" with the school's logo inside the heart.
At the bottom is the quote by Brian Littrell "Shoot for the moon. Even is you miss you'll land among the stars."
The "magic wand" on the right is a sun and a moon secured on sticks and connected with a brad fastener to simulate the eclipse.
total eclipse