Tracy Fitch's blog

Tips for TVIs Collaborating with Gen Ed

A girl with glasses uses a SMART Brailler in a regular ed classroom.As Teachers of the Visually Impaired one of the major parts of our jobs is to ensure that our students have access to the general education curriculum. This can be difficult throughout a student's school career, and can prove more difficult as the students get older and the curriculum gets harder and more complex.

Tactile Graphics: Standards, Types and Practical Examples

hand-made tactile graphics of wave motionYou've got to think outside of the box! 
It's NOT about being pretty! 
It's NOT about looking exactly like the print! 
It IS about being meaningful! 
It IS about being understandable! 
Our responsibility is to provide accurate and readable graphics. We must ensure the student's understanding of the concept being taught.

Introducing the Swing Cell to Beginning Braille Students

A Swing Cell is designed to help students understand the relationship between the braille cell and the keys on a braillewriter. In the closed position, the removable pegs inserted into the blocks represent the dots in a braille cell. In the open position, the pegs represent the keys on a braillewriter that correspond to each of the braille dots. Internal storage of pegs when not in use.

Bridging the Gap: Pre-Braille to Braille Reader

This post will specifically discuss braille instruction strategies for students with multiple impairments or intellectual disabilities.

Literacy for Students with Intellectual or Multiple Disabilities - Part 1: Components

Student creating pattern with shapes on velcro stripHow many of us serve students who have both a severe visual impairment and multiple disabilities, including intellectual disabilities? How many of us have attempted literacy instruction or braille with this population of students? And, if you have, how many of us feel we have hit a brick wall and need some guidance for the next step?
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