Part 2: Using a Partial-Object Based Communication System for Literacy
The majority of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems available today use visually based symbols. Often, however, students with Multiple...
Blog Posts
Below are recently created blog posts.
By Faye Gonzalez
By Linda Mamer
There are many applications (apps) available to assist teachers of students with visual impairments and other vision professionals in their work. I have collected some of my favorite apps in the following categories:
Apps for Vision Information...
By Diane Brauner
Theme: Rhyming Dust Bunnies is a Circle Time Braille Kit that focuses on rhyming words.
This Circle Time Braille Kit Contains:
Tactile Books:
Illustrated print book with braille added
Print/ braille/tactile...
By Sharon@TSBVI
Google recommends Mozilla Firefox Internet browser for working with screen readers when using Google Apps. I have found it is the only browser which consistently works. When entering Google Drive online it is important to turn of the virtual cursor by...
By Liamsmom
Phew. My son Liam's IEP meeting and IEP are now complete and we have a fresh set of goals for the next school year! IEP season is a mixture of feelings: determination, expectations, excitement and exhaustion! I love the working with...
By Megan Mogan
I used to be that therapist. The one who threw around the words “self-stimulatory behaviors” and “idiosyncratic language” all of the time. The one who described her students as engaging in silly sounds, strange...
By Marnee Loftin
Parents and Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) often have questions about struggling readers. These are:
How do reading skills develop in children?
How does this development vary for children with visual impairment?
How can...
By Liz Barclay
Strategies for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments
Provide ample time for children to inspect any objects presented for exploration. This may be time spent in addition to circle time, either before or after, describing the salient features...
By Lisa Pruner
This post is by Lisa Pruner and Catherine Summ.
For children with vision impairments, fire safety and awareness are often literally out of reach, placing them at increased risk in the event of a fire
Smoke detectors,...
By ScarlettsEyes
Scarlett is a great communicator, and the lack of spoken word does not stop her from expressing what she wants! Whether she evokes an emotion or leads you to a certain place, she knows how to get your attention.
Despite this I am desperate...
By Liz Eagan
Students with visual impairments are the frequent recipients of assistance, but rarely are they given the opportunity to "give back". When they are given the opportunity, they are often unclear of how or where to start.
By Mary McCarthy
Roz Rowley and Justine Rines are co-authors of this post.
This is the second of three posts on the Wilson Reading System® and Struggling Braille Readers. See also Why We Love Using the Wilson Reading System® with Struggling Braille Readers ...
By Faye Gonzalez
Part 1: Partial-Object Symbols are MORE than Just a Schedule: Communication Systems for Students with CVI and Multiple Disabilities
The majority of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems available today use visually-...
By Diane Brauner
Ruby in Her Own Time is a Circle Time Braille kit focusing on counting skills and duck Fun Facts. This kit is based on the book Ruby in Her Own Time written by Jonathan Emmett and illustrated by Rebecca Harry (Scholastic rates the...
By Liamsmom
Reading books is my son Liam’s favorite thing to do. I have to say, I sure love reading with him and I love watching him enjoy books. I need to share a quick back story on Liam for those of you who don’t know. Liam was born with...
By Liz Barclay
From the moment a child is born, the journey of learning to integrate sensory information begins; vision combines with touch to help the infant make sense of what is perceived through the auditory sense. Vision and hearing are the two senses...
By Jaime Brown
Circle times in early childhood classrooms (preschool and early elementary) frequently follow the same format. Students have an opportunity to say hello, participate in attendance, review the calendar, sing a couple of songs, and read a story. There...
By Rinesj
Mary McCarthy and Roz Rowley are co-authors of this post.
This is the first of three posts on the Wilson Reading System® and Struggling Braille Readers. See also Implementing the Wilson Reading System with Braille Students ...
By Debra Goodsir
The development of vocabulary and an understanding of the patterns of language are essential parts in the development of literacy. "10 Minutes With" is a program which has enabled some of my students, who have multiple disabilities, to develop...
By paula.conroy
These strategies for improving instruction of students who are English Language Learners (ELL) is a follow-up to Typical Language Development and Second Language Acquisition. It is important to familiarize oneself...