Strategies for Auditory Strategies

Below are strategies posts related to Auditory Strategies.

A young braille student uses the PenFriend

Using PenFriend to Make (Formerly) Boring Flash Cards More Fun

Using a PenFriend provides auditory reinforcement to beginning braille readers to promote braille literacy.
Polar bear book with tactile symbols

Braille and Tactile Book Adaptions

Tips to adapt books with braille and tactile materials for emerging readers
APH Portable Sound Source

Activities to Develop Auditory Skills

Activities to develop auditory discrimination and listening skills in children and youth who are blind or visually impaired
Linda Hoyt

Alphaboxes Graphic Organizer

Lesson to teach students with visual impairments to use a graphic organizer
Interactive bulletin board

Interactive Bulletin Board - October

A Speech Pathologist (SLP) shares an interactive Halloween activity for students who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities
sensory rainstick

Sensory Rainstick for Children with Multiple Disabilities

This is a simple activity to reinforce "cause and effect" and to engage children with multiple disabilities in a meaningful sensory experience.
Ear with hand cupped around it

Are You Listening?

Auditory issues for children with visual impairments, including hearing loss, auditory skills, and strategies for developing listening skills
