Liz Barclay

Liz Barclay, M.A., coordinates low vision services at UC Berkeley School of Optometry. She is a teacher of students with visual impairments and an orientation and mobility specialist who worked with school-aged students in Bay Area public schools and the California School for the Blind (CSB) for 26 years. During her years at CSB she coordinated the Assessment Program. Ms. Barclay is the editor of Learning to Listen/Listening to Learn: Teaching Listening Skills to Students with Visual Impairments (AFB/APH Press) and has authored and co-authored many chapters, journal articles and conference presentations on the education of students with visual impairments.
In the videos below from SFSU, Ms. Barclay discusses listening skills assessment and instruction for students with visual impairments.
Ms. Barclay is also featured on this site discussing teaching Key Ideas and Details in Reading Comprehension for students with visual impairments.