Champagne Marsh-Williams

I am a certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (TVI) for the states of New York and Connecticut. I have experience as a district itinerant TVI and as an education consultant. I currently hold the position of Education Consultant for the State of Connecticut’s Department of Aging and Disability Services (ADS)-Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) Children’s Services Program. I am passionate about the Expanded Core Curriculum and teaching braille! I always say that I am in the business of one day being without a job because I believe that it is my duty to assist and ensure that every child I teach who is blind or visually impaired learn the necessary skills to reach their full potential and to grow up to lead an independent, productive, and fully rewarding life! When I am not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Charles; our 16-year old Pomeranian, Pepe; and the rest of our family and friends.