UAbacus App Now Available!

UAbacus screenshot

UAbacus is a free app for iPads that is designed to provide information on how to use a Cranmer abacus for computation.   With the UAbacus you can add and subtract numbers using the "logic method" for abacus computation. Those learning abacus computation can practice their computation skills getting help with a step if they become stuck and having the correct answer verified. Users who do not know how to compute using a Cranmer abacus using the logic method can support individuals who are abacus users by following the steps necessary to solve the problem as the individual works the problem on a Cranmer abacus.

The UAbacus app was developed by Dr. L. Penny Rosenblum and the staff at the Office of Instruction and Assessment at The University of Arizona. The app is available only for iPads and not other iOS devices.

The actual Cranmer abacus that allows users who are blind to manipulate for computation is available from the American Printing House for the Blind

Click here to download the flyer about the UAbacus App.



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An awesome idea! So glad you did this!