Practice2Master Fractions App
Submitted by Charlotte Cushman on Jun 18, 2018

Practice2Master Fractions™ is a free app from APH (American Printing House for the Blind), which is designed to help students with visual impairments become proficient in fraction calculations. It supplements teachers' instruction by providing students with unlimited number of problems to practice. This app is a tool that every elementary school math teacher should have in their teaching toolbox.
This app is fully accessible for all users, especially for students with low vision and students who are blind and use VoiceOver™. It allows students to do the following:
- perform free practice in fraction addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and get assistance from the app whenever needed;
- take drills on fraction calculations and save drill reports for future reference;
- receive lists of calculation problems from teachers or parents via email and send back drill reports;
- use machine-generated problems, preloaded problems, and teacher-created problems for practice and drills; and
- customize settings to make machine-generated problems suitable for students' level of study.
- Supports math learning objectives
- Machine-generated calculation problems are highly customizable
- Allows teachers to create and store lists of calculation problems
- Allows students to save problems into a favorite list for future practice
- Exchange problem lists and drill reports between students and teachers
- Large print numbers on iPads and high-contrast colors
- Fully compatible with VoiceOver™ for students with blindness
Video Demonstration
Watch a demonstration video:
Recommended ages: 9 and up.