Great Android Apps for Kids with CVI or Low Vision

Toddler explores the surface of a light box

This list of Android Apps for children with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) or Low Vision was compiled by the Thinking Outside the Light-Box: Vision Therapy Support Group. Many of these are available on Google Play and others are available through Amazon and other outlets. Some are free, and others cost up to $1.99.  Many are available on iTunes as well.

These apps work on skills such as visual attention, cause & effect, eye-hand coordination, and more.

Kids Doodle iconThe list of apps includes:

  1. Knee Bouncers Big Little Games
  2. My Baby Drum
  3. Sound Touch
  4. Kids Doodle - Color & Draw
  5. Magic Doodle
  6. Itsy Bitsy Spider
  7. Wheels on the Bus
  8. Five Little Monkeys
  9. Kids Place - Parental Control

Editor's Note:  The list was updated in 2022 to reflect changes in availability.

Collage of Android apps


Try Keyzag keyboard with large and contrast symbols

Thanks for the suggestion of KeyZag:  I'll be interested to hear from others about the accessibility and usability of it.