EDA Play Apps

EDA play apps

EDA Play applications (apps) are designed to help train visual and motor skills in children.  All apps run on a regular size iPad, but not an iPad-mini, nor iPhone, nor iPod Touch.  The black background and bold contrasting colors may appeal to children with CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment).

There are currently three apps available from this Czech developer:


EDA Play

EDA PlayThe EDA Play app was developed under the supervision of experts in visual stimulation, fine motor skills, and in early intervention for children with visual and combined disorders.  The app is designed to support eye-hand coordination by stimulating children to watch the action on the tablet display, and to complete the tasks in an interactive way. 

Available for $4.99 from the iTunes app store.


EDA Play Pauli

EDA Play Pauli

The EDA Play Pauli app is designed for children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities.  It is based on a day in the life of a girl named Pauli, with the aim of motivating children with vision and motor difficulties to interact with the game in order to find out what will happen next.

Available for $2.99 from the iTunes app store.


EDA Play Toby

EDA Play Toby

The EDA Play Toby app is designed for children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities (VIMD) who are at a very young developmental age. The visual attention activities are designed for children functioning between 6 months and one year of age.  Activities work on simple cause and effect, whereby the child touches the screen to activate a sound, such as a musical instrument or an animal.

Available for FREE from the iTunes app store.

Pinterest collage for EDA Play apps