Assistive Technology Assessment

ASNAT_WATI cover page
The Assessing Students Needs for Assistive Technology (ASNAT) resource manual is a 525-page document that contains a wealth of information on a wide range of assistive technology topics.  Many of the chapters use the SETT
(Student, Environment, Task, and Tool) format to guide the decision-making process.  While all of the content is not specific to students with visual impairments, much of it is applicable or can be easily modified to guide teams in selecting the assistive technology that is most appropriate for an individual student.

Table of Contents:

Each section also includes a checklist that can be downloaded by teams doing an assistive technology assessment on an individual student.  These forms are to be used while referring back to the full chapter.

WATI Vision Checklist

Available as a free download from WATI (Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative) and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI).
5th edition (2009)


Attached Files: