Weather Chart
Submitted by Mary McCarthy on Apr 23, 2012

This activity allows students to practice sequencing the days of the week, comparing numbers (e.g. “Which one is warmer, 40 or 50 degrees?”), reading and identifying words associated with weather (“warm”, “snow”, “cold”, “sun”, “rain”). Students can place stickers or mark the chart with tactile symbols as part of the daily routine. The repetition and daily practice helps to reinforce reading skills, as well as other concepts.
- Chart in braille and/or print with days of the week, temperatures, and types of weather (sun, rain, etc.)
- Stickers to mark spaces
This activity can be done as part of the daily morning routine, either in morning meeting or circle time, or individually.
Give students a blank chart and have them write the day of the week, the weather, and the temperature.