Tree of Thanks

Teaching the Concept of Being "Thankful"
Creating the Trees of Thanks
This student and two others created a list of 20 things that they were thankful for. Two of the students brailled their words on APH's Braillable sheets and labels. With assistance, the labels were put on the leaves once their words were printed on them.
- family
- friends
- teachers
- braille
- summer
- technology (they listed out specific devices)
- food

Students followed directions for the creation of the trees. One student donated his tree to the Feast of Sharing at a local grocery store. His sister had created a similar tree for their home, and made braille labels for that tree, as she joins our braille lessons. The other two students took their trees home.
Learning about "thankfulness" and creating holiday memories for the families to display year after year is priceless for all. Collaboration during these lessons can be vital whether it be with speech, OT, classroom teachers, even family members. This collaboration is vital to the success of these lessons and also makes them more meaningful.