Thanksgiving Feathers: A Creative Writing Assignment

This creative writing assignment was done by a 4th grade braille student, who is deafblind. He's quite proud of it and we're happy to share it here!
Thanksgiving Feathers
I knew something was wrong as soon as I woke up. I just didn't reel right. Then I looked in the mirror. WHAT?!? Feathers!?! It was true. I had turned into a turkey two days before Thanksgiving.
I felt scared! I ran around the house fast! I jumped like a turkey. I yelled for mom and my voice said gobble.
I gobbled and gobbled for mom. Mom heard my gobbling. Mom came from her room. Mom was scared too. Mom saw my turkey feathers.
Mom grabbed me and took me into the bathroom. She picked off all my feathers and it hurt a little when she picked them out! Mom put me into the bath. Mom scrubbed and scrubbed my body until I was clean. I felt excited to be Liam again! No more feathers on me!