Tactile Matching Game

tactile matching game collage

This tactile discrimination activity is from an original idea created by "The Imagination Tree".  I have produced a slight variation, using textures with velcro backing so the textures inside the lids can be changed to suit the activity, e.g. odd one out, matching, texture exploration. All materials are stuck to upside down door mat to give rigidity.

  • 6 baby wipe containers
  • 1 doormat or tray 
  • Velcro
  • 6 different textures
tactile matching game
texture swatches from tactile matching game
  1. Cut circles of each texture to fit inside the baby wipe container.
  2. Add a small square of Velcro to the back of each texture and to one inside of the baby wipe container.
  3. Add a piece of Velcro to the underside of each baby wipe container and in six equal locations on the surface – mat/tray.
  4. Add the baby wipe containers to each location on the mat.
  5. Child can then have fun opening the containers and matching the texture circles.

Useful for encouraging development of:

  • Tactile discrimination skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Matching and sorting skills
  • Odd one out, same, different