Tactile Halloween Tic-Tac-Toe

Tactile Halloween Tic-Tac-Toe

I made this tactile Halloween Tic-Tac-Toe game for my braille student.  It's a fun way to reinforce tactile discrimination skills and positional concepts (left/right/across, above/below/up and down, diagonally).

It's perfect for the gen ed party or as a game for remedial work in my resource room!

  • Felt ghosts and black cats
  • Hard stiff felt from Target
  • Rick-rack, and it’s Large. $5.00 in the dollar section. Gotta love TARGET!
  • I added Velcro to make it easier for my braille student
  • Added the wiggle eyes to ghosts and a gemstone to each cat for quicker recognition
  • Two players (this can be two children or an adult and a child)
  • Players choose either the ghost or black cat
  • Play proceeds as with a typical tic-tac-toe game, where players take turns, and the first player to get three across, down or diagonally wins.

Collage for tactile Halloween tic-tac-toe game
