Smoothies! A Classroom Lesson and Community Based-Experience
Submitted by Diane Shifflett on Aug 11, 2015

This unit took approximately one month to complete. It is comprised of multiple lessons and experiences that culminate in the ultimate hands-on learning, which involves creating healthy food and eating it. It incorporates literacy, math, problem-solving, community experience, Orientation and Mobility, and other parts of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC).
"We had to do quite a few things before we could make our own smoothies. As you know, first we had to buy the blenders. Then we went out to eat smoothies just for fun. After that we had to find a recipe we liked. Then we still had to go to the store and buy our ingredients for our smoothies. Finally we could make our own smoothies and enjoy them."
- Luis Alcaraz, Grade 10
Bed Bath and Beyond
- "We looked up Bed Bath and Beyond on the Internet and we went to their website." - FJT
- "The first step we did was buy two blenders from Bed Bath and Beyond. We used a store coupon for 20 percent off anything in the store. Mr. Rajiv also went with us." - AD
- "We purchased two blenders, and we got 20 percent. We got a Hamilton Beach and we also got an Oster." - FJT
- "We went to buy two blenders at Bed Bath and Beyond. When we bought both blenders, we used some coupons." - FS
I. The Lesson Plan
Components of the Smoothie Unit:
- Purchasing a blender
- Visiting a smoothie restaurant
- Making a shopping list and purchasing purchasing ingredients at a grocery store
- Making a smoothie at home (or at school, dorm)
Performance Area:
- Daily Living Skills: Independent food preparation
- Community-Based Instruction: Making a simple purchase; using Customer Service; Choosing from a menu; age-appropriated behavior at a restaurant
Students will independently make a smoothie after having purchased a blender, made a shopping list, written a recipe (homework research) and purchased the items.
- Student will be able to assemble ingredients to make a smoothie
- Students will make smoothies
II. Visiting a Smoothie Restaurant
A Trip to Xoom Juice
- Students looked up the address and menu for Xoom Juice onilne
- Students made choices prior to going to the restaurant
- Students each had $5 to spend on a Smoothie
- Students each did an individual, independent transacation
- Students had a social opportunity during the outing
- Students had orientation and mobilitiy lessons during the outing with R. Pannikar
III. Purchasing a Blender
A Trip to Bed Bath and Beyond
- Students discussed where a blender could be purchased
- Students looked up the Bed Bath and Beyond website
- Students knew their total budget was $70
- Students learned how to calculate 20 percent off the purchase price
- Students used Customer Service to learn about different blenders
- Students chose the blenders
- Students opened boxes and assembled blenders on campus
- Access to the Internet:
- Math Worksheet: How to Calculate 20 Percent
Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will begin by asking students about their prior experience with Smoothies. Students can share whether they have made smoothies or been to a smoothie shop such as Xoom Juice or Jamba Juice. They will discuss what is needed to make a smoothie, and when they get to "blender" the lesson will become about blenders. What are they? What do they do? Where would you get one? Discuss various stores that would sell that item Then introduce the concept of using a coupon to get a good deal on a major purchase. Bed Bath and Beyond offers their ubiquitous 20 percent off coupons.
Guided Practice:
A. Students will complete the Math Worksheet on How to Calculate 20 Percent
B. Students will use customer service at Bed Bath and Beyond to find the blender section Students will consult with their teachers and each other to make a decision about which blender to purchase, based on budget and feathers.
Independent Practice:
Students will purchase a blender, get change and receipt
Students will take new purchase to the kitchen for later opening and discovery
IV. Making a Smoothie
- Blender
- Fruit (student choice)
- Yoghurt
- Low-Fat Milk
Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will begin by asking students about their prior experience with Smoothies. Students can share whether they have made smoothies or been to a smoothie shop such as Xoom Juice or Jamba Juice.
Guided Practice:
Students will use customer service at Bed Bath and Beyond to find the blender section. If student needs assistance, student will first be encouraged to ask a peer for assistance. If peers are unable or unwilling to assist, teacher will help using as little prompting as possible.
Independent Practice:
Students will purchase a blender, get a change and receipt
Clean the kitchen and put everything away
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