Secret Code Braille

Secret braille code

Most students I know love when they can learn through games. Most of my students also love music. Secret Code Braille is a game that incorporates both of those things to make for a fun and exciting braille lesson. 

  • Flash cards or a sheet of braille letter/word/number combinations
    • I am working on letter identification with my student so the codes are of different letters. I usually do 3-5 letters at a time. We also do this activity with numbers.  Your codes can be simple 2 letter codes or more letters and even a combination of words depending on your student’s level.  It can be easily adapted to any level of student. 
  • Music
    • I have a playlist loaded on my phone of popular kids songs that I use. Be sure that whatever you use has a very easy way to pause and play the music.  A favorite song of the students is very motivating.  (My student is currently into the Moana movie soundtrack). 
  • Have the song ready to play on your music device. 
  • For every secret code on the flash card or sheet of braille the student reads correctly, play 10-15 seconds of the song. The secret code unlocks the music. 
  • At the end have your student unlock a “special secret code” to unlock the whole song.  I usually tie in the skills we’ve been working on into the special secret code. 
  • Dance to the music and enjoy your success! 

How can I use this in my lesson?

  • Guided Practice:  Read the secret codes along with your student, pointing out the specific skills you are working on. Enjoy the music together. You worked as a team to break the code!
  • Independent practice:  Have the student read the codes independently, using their newly learned skills to break the code and earn the song. 
  • Formative Assessment:  To leave the braille room, or end the lesson, the student must read a secret code. 

Collage for Secret Braille Code