Pickle Dissection with the Prodigi Connect
Submitted by Lacey Long on Dec 31, 2017

I work as an itinerant TVI/COMS in a multi-district special education unit and my students attend their neighborhood schools. I have to collaborate with many different general and special education teachers in order to ensure the students with visual impairments have the necessary accommodations to access the general education curriculum.
I wanted to highlight the collaboration between myself and a 7th grade Life Science teacher using pre-teaching strategies and assistive technology to create successful dissections for a student with low vision.
- Prodigi Connect 12 from Humanware or MATT Connect from APH
- Pickle Dissection Lab worksheet (click to download a large print version of the worksheet)
- Jar of Pickles (whole Dill pickles seem to work best)
- Scalpel
- Blunt Probe
- Dissecting Needle
- Forceps
- Dissecting Pan
- Dissecting Pins
Prior to the dissection, I had the general education teacher email me a copy of the worksheet to adapt. The student and I used her direct service time to complete the pickle dissection prior to having her dissect in class. The pickle dissection served as a precursor to her dissecting earthworms, frogs, and squids as part of the 7th grade Life Science curriculum. The worksheet was enlarged so she could utilize her video magnifier for the dissection and complete the worksheet at the same time.
The Prodigi Connect has the capabilities to scan the worksheet (OCR) and read the content aloud to the student if necessary. The MATT Connect is available through APH for purchase with Quota funds.
Special thanks to Chelsey Graveth, 7th grade Life Science teacher at Mandan Middle School, for collaborating to successfully provide accommodations and access for her students with a visual impairment.