Object Symbols for Choice Making
Submitted by Gayle Flegel on Aug 17, 2012

This activity is designed for students with multiple disabilities who are non-readers. An object is paired with each book, so that the student will begin to associate the two. As the student begins to recognize the symbol, she can request a specific book title or song.
- simple picture books (it's best to choose something that is easily represented by a real object)
- small stuffed animals or toys to represent book
- boxes or containers in solid colors, such as APH expandable calendar boxes
- Familiarize student to object by presenting it prior to each time the book is read. This may take quite some time.
- Choose books that you know the child prefers.
- Present a choice of two objects and ask the student to select one. This can be done through eye gaze, swipe or any intentional communication or movement.
- Read the story while showing the student the object.
- Put the object in the "finished" box to show that the story is over.
- Repeat.
- Any type of container or solid background will work, including a basket or bookstand or box with good contrast.
- Students with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) may prefer objects that are a particular color, such as red or yellow. They may be more interested if the object is their preferred color.