Daily Desk Schedule for Child Who Is Deafblind

Liam has a box that is stored in his desk that has all of the wooden squares that have the main daily activities on them. First thing in the morning, Liam and his intervener/interpreter discuss what will be happening in the morning up until lunch and then also in the afternoon up until "mom picks Liam up". His interpreter will sign to him which "activity" to find first, then second, etc. He will then find each square, independently, out of the box and place it onto the desk schedule. For example, if the first activity is math he would find the "math square" and place it on as the first activity. If the next activity is reading, he would find the "reading square" and place it next to the "math square", etc. When each activity has "finished", he will take that activity square off of the schedule and put it in the "finished box". At the end of the day his desk schedule will be empty and ready for the next day. The great thing about a desk schedule is that it can inspire conversation. You can discuss what will happen next or later (think of the great "time" concepts and vocabulary that could be taught!). You could also go back into the "finished box" and discuss things that happened throughout the day. Symbols could be used in helping to create a story or to send home to help tell "mom" what happened at school that day.
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