Christmas Word Find Book

Cover of Christmas Word Search book with tactile Christmas tree

Get in the holiday spirit by inviting braille students to look for words related to Christmas, Hannukah, or other special themes or events!

I got this idea from the post by Liz Eagan for a make your own word search. I created a word search book for my son Liam for Christmas.  It took a little time to make the grid, but then I was able to use it as a template to make many word searches for the book.  I kept it pretty simple as this will be his first word search experience.  

I decorated the cover with a tactile Christmas tree.

Tactile Christmas tree on cover of word search book

I chose words that he liked and cared about and grouped them together into the following categories.  I kept the lists small (4 or 5) since he is just starting out.  

Christmas words:
Sample page from word search bookJesus, manger, star, Mary, Joseph
Family words:
Liam, Grandma, Finn, Mom, Papa
Teacher words:
Joe, Leslee, Bolton, Mary, Shaun
Favorite activities:
swimming, park, lake, walk, slide
Favorite foods/snacks:
pizza, chicken, water, candy, chips 
Favorite toys/things:
beads, buttons, ball, books, play
As you can see from this list, other than the first group of Christmas words, anything that the child likes and is interested in would make for a good word search book!

Collage of making your own word search book