Braille Writing Song

Braille writing song

This is a song that I've used with several students over the years. I wrote the words to the tune of Three Blind Mice. It is for teaching students to write first individual dots on the brailler then letters. 


  • Perkins brailler
  • Braille paper, card stock or index cards
  • A good attitude: You don't need a good singing voice, just some contagious enthusiasm for braille!
  • Patience: For some students this will require lots of repetition and consistency




Braille Writing Song

(To the Tune of Three Blind Mice)

Verse 1:

I use this finger to make a dot 1, see how it presses to make a dot 1

(Wiggle left index finger and then make a line of dot 1’s)


(Make the line of dots as you sing the chorus)

Each key does its part to form a dot

I press down hard to form a dot

To write my braille, to write my braille

Other Verses:

I use this finger to make a dot 2, see how it presses to make a dot 2

(Wiggle left middle finger and then make a line of dot 2’s)

I use this finger to make a dot 3, see how it presses to make a dot 3

(Wiggle left ring finger and then make a line of dot 3’s)

I use this finger to make a dot 4, see how it presses to make a dot 4

(Wiggle right index finger and then make a line of dot 4’s)

I use this finger to make a dot 5, see how it presses to make a dot 5

(Wiggle right middle finger and then make a line of dot 5’s)

I use this finger to make a dot 6, see how it presses to make a dot 6

(Wiggle right ring finger and then make a line of dot 6’s)


Final Verse:

I use these fingers to make a full cell, see how they press to make a full cell

(Hold up all 6 fingers and wiggle and then make a line of full cells)


For writing letters:

Each verse will use the fingers for that each letter of the alphabet.


I use this finger (left index) to make the letter A, see how it presses to make the letter A

I use these fingers (left index and middle) to make the letter B, see how they press to make the letter B.


Collage of braille writing song
