Adapting The Game of Things for a Braille Student

The box cover for The Game of Things

Students who are blind and visually impaired come up with fun, amusing, and creative responses when they are prompted by cards in this activity. 


I found this game as I was shopping at Walgreens. I plan to braille each card and have students pull one for a journal topic. We may or may not use it as the intended game. Some of the cards may not be appropriate and some of the cards are definitely better for the upper grades (i.e. Things...that would be helpful to have during a zombie apocalyse.)

Cards with text Things that would make a good chip flavor, things that humans don't need anymore, things seagulls are actually saying when they squawk at each other, and things no one knows about you


I tried it out today with the "Things...that would make a good potato chip flavor." We had lots of laughs as we came up with flavors. I did it orally to get the idea of how we can have fun the topics on the cards. Some "interesting" potato chip flavors we thought of were: chocolate, cat litter (for dogs), dog poop (also for dogs), bananas (for Minions or monkeys), rotten garbage (for raccoons), and the list goes on.



A list of things that should have their own festival
In this sample from my 4th grade braille student, my focus was on her contractions, rather than her sentence structure.
Things that should have their own festival:
  • Puppies
  • Rainbows and raindrops
  • Summer vacation
  • Braille
  • Monocular
  • Magnifying abilities








Pinterest collage of adapting the Game of Things