Webinar: Low Vision Solutions for Computer (web-based) Tasks
Submitted by Charlotte Cushman on Feb 14, 2018

This TSBVI Outreach webinar Low Vision Solutions for Computer (web-based) Tasks explores options for computer access for users with low vision continue to increase in the digital age. Numerous features to customize your screen view are now available along with the more familiar screen enlarging software. A comparison of easily available choices for a range of computer and web-based tasks will be highlighted.
Chapters include:
- Horizontal Scrolling is Evil!
- Hardware Solutions
- Operating System Solutions
- Applications - the Browser
- Microsoft Word
- PDF Solutions
- Resources
- Compare and contrast options for accessing web-based material
- Compare and contrast options for accessing computer based material
- Identify a sequence of instruction for teaching user’s personalization techniques
Presented by Jim Allen and Cindy Bachofer