TVI's Guide to Teaching the ECC

Chances are that you've seen the amazing website Teaching Students with Visual Impairments. The creative energy behind this impressive site is TVI Carmen Willings, who works as an itinerant teacher in Georgia. She has worked in early intervention, and taught children through high school age, in all different settings, ranging from public schools to a school for the blind. Her wide range of experience and tireless efforts have resulted in not just an extensive website, but now in several publications as well.
The TVI's Guide to Teaching the ECC: An Activities Based Curriculum for Teaching Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired was specifically written for itinerant teachers of the visually impaired (TVIs). This book consists of more than 400 activities and topic areas of discussion for instructing students in the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC). The activities are age-neutral and multi-sensory and therefore can meet the needs of the broad range of students served on an itinerant caseload serving. The activities can be individualized to the students various learning modalities and scaffold in order to challenge students but ensure success. Select those activities that align with the student’s learning objects based on the student’s unique visual needs and academic and developmental level.
Core Activities
Object Characteristic Activities
- Quantity & Number Concepts
- Time Concept Activities
- Environment & Job Awareness Activities
- Listening Skills Activities
- Reading Foundation Activities
- Reading Fluency Activities
- Braille Basics Activities
- Writing Activities
Tactual Efficiency Activities
- Developing Skillful Hands Activities
- Visual Efficiency Activities
- Optical Device Instruction Activities
- Recipe Activities
Thematic Units
Unique Concepts within the Units include:
- Self Advocacy Activities (e.g. advocating for safe classroom, presenting to class on visual impairment, requesting help and more)
- Social Skills Activities (e.g. Being bullied or teased, giving and receiving compliments, body language, "I" messages when upset and more)
- Recreation & Leisure Activities (e.g. exploring interest areas, getting involved in clubs and sports, playing games, and more)
- O&M Support Activities (e.g. Suggestions for community based experiences, dog guide information, locations in the school, bioptics, ride sharing, traffic signs, and more)
- Independent Living Skill Activities (e.g. chores, being responsible, using tools, recipe suggestions, hygiene, staying healthy, labeling foods and products, and more)
- Sensory Efficiency Activities (e.g. unique sensory experiences related to the unit, unique optical device activities, and more)
- Compensatory Activities (e.g. organizing materials, study habits, and many unique concepts related to the unit)
- Career & Vocational Activities (e.g. job awareness, completing applications, job task suggestions, and more)
Product details
- Digital pdf download: 364 pages (11 pt font)
- Publisher: Teaching Students with Visual Impairments
- Author: Carmen Willings
- Language: English
- Price: $50
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