Seeing Sadie and CVI

Seeing Sadie and CVI logo

Seeing Sadie and CVI is a website designed to share lesson ideas and other resources for teaching children with cortical/cerebral visual impairment (CVI). Created by TVI Lisha Jo Yochimowitz and parent Tracey, the site features introductory information about CVI, videos, lists of recommended apps, printable forms and papers, and other materials to support teachers and families.

The website was inspired by the journey of Sadie, who is now 10 years old and who has CVI, Phase III.  


The website links to many videos of lessons in literacy and numeracy for students with CVI.  Math lessons include Introduction to the Abacus for a Student with CVI, Greater or Less Than with CVI adaptations, and Basic Addition with CVI Adaptations.  Literacy lessons include Using Quick CVI Adaptations in a Reading Book, Spelling Practice with Sticky Note Letters, and more.  Below an example: Basic Addition with CVI Adaptations.


Sadie's Lessons

Samples of Sadie's lessons are shared and are organized into Early Intervention, First Grade, and Second Grade.  There are ideas for summer activities and other special events as well.