Meet Liam: A video story of a 7-year-old who is deafblind

Boy using tactile sign

Anyone who has been following Paths to Literacy is well-acquainted with 7-year-old Liam!  He is a 2nd grader who is deafblind and is fully included in a local elementary school mainstream classroom.  His mother Sandy is a regular contributor to this site and often shares adaptations she's created to make books and games accessible to her son.

The National Center on Deaf-Blindness has recently published a video story about Liam.  It includes the following sections:

  • Meet Liam
  • Communication
  • Literacy
  • Movement
  • Teaming
  • Community

The videos include members of Liam's team, including his family members, intervenor, and TVI.  Of special interest are the videos demonstrating tactile signing with ASL, adapted literacy materials and activities, and a look at Liam's participation in the community.

Watch the video story from NCDB!

Collage of video story about 7-year-old boy who is deafblind