FVLM(t)A [ECC]: Comprehensive Evaluation and Reports for Blind and Low Vision Students

In honor of #CTEBVI20, workshop presenters Dr. Ting Siu (San Francisco State University), Vanessa Herndon (California School for the Blind), and Adrian Amandi (CSB) created a webinar version of their presentation "FVLM(t)A [ECC]: Comprehensive Evaluation & Reports for Blind and Low Vision Students". This webinar reviews the components of a comprehensive evaluation as required for determining educational vision services for students who are blind or who have low vision: The FVA (Functional Vision Assessment), LMA (Learning Media Assessment), AT (Access/Assistive Technology), and the ECC (Expanded Core Curriculum). The TPACK Framework is presented as a strategy for integrating a student's technology needs with unified information from each evaluation component. Finally, a draft template for writing a comprehensive evaluation report is presented for practice and ongoing discussion.
Webinar handouts: https://bit.ly/fvlmta-webinar2020
A Q&A document was compiled from participants' webinar questions and can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/fvlmta-webinar2020-qa
- 8:58 FVA (Functional Vision Assessment)
- 11:24 LMA (Learning Media Assessment)
- 13:30 AT (Assistive Technology)
- 17:54 ECC (Expanded Core Curriculum)
- 20:25 A comprehensive evaluation process
- 28:42 TPACK and integration of technology into evaluation and instruction
- 38:32 Elements of a comprehensive evaluation report
- 47:10 Wrap-up
- AT Assessment Resources
- Accessibility Tips
- FVLMtA-ECC Template
- FVLMtA-ECC Powerpoint
- History of the FVA-LMA-ECC-AT
- Pasta AT Guy Request: What Works? What's Missing?
- Pasta Guy Tri Report: What Works? What's Missing?
- Questions and Comments from the Webinar
- Resources from the FVLMtA-ECC Webinar