Free Braille Books Program from American Action Fund

This program from American Action Fund began in 1997 and provides blind children in the United States a free braille book every month from a popular children's reading series. The books are for the children to keep and collect for as long as they want them.
All applicants will receive 10 issues of National Geographic Kids magazine and also the Oskar and Klaus books: The Search for Bigfoot and The Mission to Cataria. A separate form should be submitted for each applicant, even if the books are shipped to the same location. The books are FREE, and they are for the applicant to KEEP.
To register, fill out their Free Braille Books online application with the American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults.
Free Braille Books Program
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Phone: (410) 659-9315, ext. 2287
Fax: (410) 685-2340
TVI interested
Getting students involved in free braille book program
Free Reading Books
Contact information for free braille books program