Free Braille Books from the Braille Bindery!

A woman and girl read a book together.

The Braille Bindery at Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan has been creating free braille books for more than 40 years.  The books are available for children in the United States and are created by volunteers by this non-profit organization.

There are lists of book titles organized by grade level (Kindergarten through 8th grade).  Some books are available in contracted and others are offered in uncontracted braille.  All current books are available in UEB. 

Additional Information

  • If users need a book that is not on any of the list, it is possible to submit a direct request.
  • The lists indicate whether the books are available in UEB (Unified English Braille) or if they are double spaced (DS).   If any book on the list does not indicate UEB, this can be requested on the order and they will try to comply.
  • Anyone (teachers, parents, etc.) can order books.  They welcome all requests within the United States.
  • The limit is typically 8 books per order.  If the books are large ones (i.e. 5-6 volumes), please try to keep the limit to 4-6 books. Additional orders can be made at a later date.
  • Some uncontracted "beginning readers" books can have print on one side, braille on the other.  A request can be made for that if necessary.
  • They have also done overlays of books that parents and teachers have sent them, so the sighted person can read to the child and they can follow along. 
  • They also have what they call "half books".  These consist of a word, or maybe a sentence or two, with the print on one side.  Uncontracted.

Learn more.

Collage of free braille books