Diane Brauner's YouTube Channel for TVIs, O & M's, and Families

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As we train teachers of the visually impaired about iPad accessibility, we are seeing a growing need for teacher resources.  Tired of purchasing apps only to find out that they are not accessible or not what you need?  Is it challenging to keep up with new technology as new apps are released and iOS software is updated?  Some of the TVIs in our fall iPad Institutes have created and shared YouTube videos of their favorite accessible apps and training techniques.  I am posting these videos on this YouTube channel:
Feel free to share this link with others!
In order to make this resource truly valuable and sustainable, please consider creating a simple video and sending it to me.  If you want information about how to easily edit a video, check out: Editing using iMovie App on the iPad - yes, this video is on the youtube channel!  These videos do not have to be perfect- short and sweet is all we need!
Video ideas - quick review of Voice Dream Writer, how about your favorite preschool tracing app (for low vision), an alligator app that works with the RBD, GPS app? How about a comparison between two apps (Read2Go and Voice Dream Reader), your favorite teaching method? How about how you scan materials and send them to the iPad? 
New videos are regularly added to this YouTube Channel, so check back frequently or subscribe to the channel.  Have a question or comment about a video?  Be sure to leave a comment!  
What about when new apps are released or iOS software is updated?  Let’s work together to create new videos to keep up with the evolving technology.  Videos on other technologies (Android tablet, JAWS, etc.) are welcome!  
Email me at dianebrauner@me.com if you have videos you would like to share.
Collage of Visual Channel for VI professionals and families