Determining Print Recommendations for Students with Low Vision

boy and teacher using magnifying screen to read

I recently went to a training on Reading and Low Vision Students. During this session we discussed the need to update the students' needs in regards to print, as well as what the best tool is for doing so. Students' needs can change over the year and updating the teacher's form is vital.

I developed the form below as a result of a conversation with a student I worked with. She wanted to know what was told to the teachers who would be receiving her in the fall at her new campus. When she learned that they get copies of her IEP document, as well as some information from me, she asked "Does anyone read the IEP once we sign it?" To make a long story short, we put our heads together one day after school and created this document. It has been tweaked several times since that first initial design and she's approved each of them.  Sometimes as teachers, we learn from our students. We just have to listen...

I update the form each year and give it to the student's other teachers. One thing that is not listed on the form is the iPad. If the student uses this tool, then I add that column. I add, delete, or edit columns as needed for the student.

For the reading passages I use the "Basic Reading Inventory" by Jerry Johns. The manual and the "Basic Reading Inventory : Student Word Lists, Passages, and Early Literacy Assessments, 10th Edition" can easily be adapted into different sized fonts. I've also had my braillist transcribe them into braille for reading speeds when doing my Learning Media Assessments.

Print Recommendations Chart 1Print Recommendations Chart 2
Print recommendations collage


